If you visit website like Yahoo, Google, or Wikipedia, you will see small picture in there website URL.
That picture called favicon. You can add a favicon fo your website easily.
1. Find picture which do you want to use as favicon. Please don’t use company logo or other copyright logo.
2. Go to http://www.chami.com/html-kit/services/favicon/
3. Browse your picture and click Generate.
4. Now download the favicon by click the Download Button or you can try your favicon by clicking Test Browser Button.
5. After download finish, you will recieve .zip file. Extract the file.
6. Copy favicon.ico to your root directory (same directory with index file).
7. Edit your index file and place this code in your HEAD TAG.
<link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”favicon.ico” >
8. In .zip file there is “extra” folder that contain animated icon and instruction. Follow the instruction to add animated icon.
Add Favicon to WordPress
The step the same as above, but in wordpress file that you edit is header.php, you can edit this file using Theme Editor in WordPress.
If you replace old favicon, just replace the old favicon with the new one. Have Fun !